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Eating & Living - Recipes for Recovery


Eating & Living is a recipe book for those in recovery from eating disorders – by those who have been there, with profits goings to eating disorder charities.

This collection of recipes has been shared by people who are recovering or are recovered, carers, friends and family of sufferers, professionals and health experts – and each of them has told their story as to why this recipe matters to them. Born out of conversations by patients on an inpatient ward, and its crowdsourced creation, it is testament to resilience, hope and belief that recovery is possible, and the importance of physical and emotional nourishment.

In a simple and safe format, the book provides balanced recipes meeting nutritional needs, and offers support with grocery shopping and planning meals. Guidance has been approved by registered dieticians, to support readers in feeling confident when following the recipes, and capable of creating a meal for both health and happiness.